3 Resolutions for 2019…


Yeah – I know – I’m one of “those” people. But hear me out… I think one of the reasons so many get discouraged with resolutions is because we set too high of goals for ourselves. And in essence – set ourselves up for failure. This is why I always try and set goals for myself that I CAN accomplish.


    • Yeah, I know everyone makes this resolution to loose those extra calories we binged for the holidays. But I’ve noticed over the years that staying active actually helps me with my artist process. Yeah – weird right. Just going to the gym and forcing myself to do something new – helps me not be so scared when I approach something new in watercolor.
    • I don’t know about you – but I’m a WORK-O-HOLIC. I once worked on a project for 18 hours straight. I love my job and everything about it – BUT THAT WITH A CAPITAL A –AIN’T HEALTHY! So for the new year – I’m forcing myself to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep. If a project isn’t done – it can wait. I found over the past year that working during the day with a descent amount of sleep – helps me be more productive and more creative. So this one is a must!
    • This my last goal – but encompasses three different ways. FIRST, I want to have more fun in my art or explore more with out fear of failure. Even sometimes force myself to fail. SECOND, I want to learn more from other artist. Hence the reason I invested in some art books over the holidays. THIRD, I decided to try something completely new that could help spark my creativity in other ways. I’ve always loved music – so this year I decided to try and learn to play the ukulele. I have to say – I’ve already fallen in love and found it soothing to my rushed pace.


What kind of goals are you setting for yourself this year? It doesn’t have to be anything complex – something as small as checking out a library book will suffice – just make sure you are challenging yourself in some way. Because challenges and goals help us grow all the faster in your creative lives! :)

About Author

Hi there! My name is Carrie and I'm a Watercolor Misfit! What's a Watercolor Misfit? Well, anyone who is willing to try new things and not afraid to get their hands covered in paint! So what do you say, are you a Misfit-ian?


  • Susan Egan
    April 2, 2019 at 11:27 pm

    I wish I could reach through the screen and give you hug and tell you how fabulous you are. I’m probably twice your age. What I have learned is we are our worst and most unrelenting critiques. Leave yourself alone and laugh at mistakes. Goals are challenges that make life even more of a struggle. Challenges should be pastel and failure acceptable. Like a list of chores you’d like to get done this month but if you don’t, well they will still be there and they just need to move to the top of the list for next month. A beautiful day and walk with the dog (we have two) it is so much more important than the dust bunny build up.

    My daughter went to school for her MFA she is the only one in her group that did not get her masters. Why? As far as we can tell the instructor and mentor did not appreciate what our daughter loved. Does this sound familiar…she draws what she dreams. Yep everything is fantasy and from her imagination. She spent her four years drawing various new and different things using every technique and product she could. “They” didn’t see her progress since she wasn’t sticking to one style, although that was never something she understood she needed to do. That said, we didn’t care. She was so upset so down on herself to us it was enough that she get her degree and leave before she hated art completely. She’s gifted, talented and after going to the final show, so much better than the kids they graduated I was appalled (as were her fellow students, I picked her up the day she found up she was so upset and we ran into her friends in the halls. they were blown away) So when I saw what they said about your art, believe me you are not alone if you don’t fit their idea you are in trouble. Her close friend, who I really love, got her MFA, she does collages. Collages. 4 years of art 6 8″X5″ canvasses covered in shades of green and pink striped or solid paper strips. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH

    Anyway, I’m 63 and I’ve just started painting and drawing. I’ve always done a little but this past couple of years I’m doing more. I envy you your talent and abilities, to imagine and make up what you want to create is something I’d love to be able to do. For now I’m happily attempting drawing from real life or copying things I like. Making horrible messes on water color paper and later looking at it and thinking hey it’s not that bad. If I close one eye, squint and turn my head sideways it looks a little like a flower….

    Thank you for sharing your abilities and please give yourself a hug everyday appreciate your talent, kiss your husband, walk your dog and look up at the sky. Eat some chocolate and breathe deep and ask, what do I really want to do today that will make me happy? That’s what you should do everything else will be there when your ready.

    • Misfit
      April 4, 2019 at 4:25 pm

      So glad to hear Susan! :D I’m glad it’s helped! My husband recently reminded me of a quote recently that said – fail big = learn big. By adjusting my mindset and looking at everything as a learning experience it’s helped me learn so much – which I’ve been sharing with all of you! :D


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